What is a Powerflush?
Powerflushing is the most efficient and effective method
of cleansing a central heating system. The principle is to circulate a cleansing chemical under controlled conditions
to remove debris from the system. A Powerflushing pump is attached to the system and under pressure pumps the cleanser
throughout the central heating pipe work and radiators. The outcome is a central heating system that is clear of
debris including Limescale and Iron oxide sludge.
Symptoms indicating debris problems. -Heating
system slow to warm up. -Cold spots at the bottom/middle of radiators. -Radiator water is black with sludge. -Boiler making odd noises. -Frequently purging air from radiators. -Radiators having rust spots or pin holes
at the bottom. -Pump failure.
Powerflusing benefits. -Cures flow and circulation problems. -Restores system efficiency. (Up to 20%) -Cures boiler noise. -Restores heat output to radiators. -Cleans
the whole central heating system including underfloor pipe work. -Removes toxic water and in turn prevents further corrosion. -Boiler warranty validated.
At Dales we can powerflush a heating system in one visit. Our kit includes a
powerflushing unit and a Magnacleanse filter system.
A seven radiator combination boiler set up costs just £250 for
a full powerflush.